Monday, 24 October 2011


Many different types of news for this blog post.

Part the First- Employment. HOORAY. Money coming in. I got a job with Queens Walkhome, which is basically an on campus safety thing, where you walk people home when its dark/cold/wet/windy/unsafe. First shift tonight. Very excited. Can't get paid soon enough, very profligate week.

Part the Second-Academia. Turns out Canadian uni is way easier than England, averaging a lovely B even for stuff that was the sludge from my brain. Butttt way more stuff to hand in and exams in the next two weeks which is rubbish because

Part the Third- MUMMY AND DADDY ARE COMING TO VISIT. Yayyy  I love them, i love them I looooooove them. Its been two months since I saw them, and I'm not homesick because I never get home sick but I do miss my mum and my papi. They leave on Tuesday the 1st which is conincedentally when all my work kicks off. So expect to see me in my room eating a lot of biscuits in my dressing gown. Well to be honest I hope none of you do see me. And Blog prepare for lots of Hilary/ Steward anecdotes.

Part the FOURTH- Autumn/Impending HALLOWEEN. Halloween is gonna be a total bust for me, cos this weekend I got one of my epic superhangovers, which totally makes it sounds like a medical condition of which I have no control, but lets not lie it was the tequila shots. and the vodka, and the wine. and the cider.  This makes me drinking alchol to any level of drunkeness impossible for the next few weeks. So get ready to meet Sober Sindy Canada. Apart from maybe this tuesday because it's a friends birthday at the Spot. I cannot spot without the buffer of alcohol.  I am dressing up as Cleopatra, and Snow White. All about the new bob my friends. Shorter and Browner than its even been. I included Autumn in this post, because the weather is APALLLING, at least the leaves are pretty tho.

Thats the end. There is no part the Fifth, OR IS THERE?

no there isn't. Love you. xxx

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